
Kelloggsville Community is comprised of staff, students, families of students, and members of the local community. Together we work together to work towards our district Vision, Mission, and Belief Statments!

Kelloggsville Vision Statement

All students of Kelloggsville Public Schools will become productive citizens equipped with a global perspective and the skills to meet their full potential.  

Kelloggsville Mission Statement

Kelloggsville Public Schools will embrace and model a community that values diversity, learning, caring, and respect.

Kelloggsville Belief Statements

All students and staff of Kelloggsville Public Schools will be:

  • valued, respected, and supported in achieving their maximum potential.
  • provided with a safe and secure learning environment.
  • held to high learning and behavior expectations.
  • guided in becoming self-directed, lifelong learners.

Collaboration, communication, and mutual respect between families and schools are critical to student success.